I have never thought that I would be here sharing my story! 😱😱😱 Oh well… Perhaps this blog will serve as my “diary” to reminisce our love journey and how Kaepsel was eventually founded for the sole purpose of creating a memorable marriage experience.

Overall, I would say that the marriage proposal is a success (even though there are some hiccups along the way). It is a nerve-wracking, but an enjoyable “once-in-a-lifetime” experience.

Like you guys, I also wanted to do an unique and memorable wedding proposal for my wife-to-be. But, it’s never an easy task (It’s like doing the Final Year Project!). So, I started off with identifying the countries and the popular places of attractions, and what are pros and cons for different locations. Eventually, I chose to propose at Melbourne’s Hoiser Lane for the fact that she loves arts.

The next important step is of course… THE PROPOSAL RING! People often ask these questions:

“How much should I spend on wedding proposal ring?”

“How do I get the ring sizing without being spotted by my partner?”

“What should I do if my ring doesn’t fit my partner’s hand?”

If you are one of them, you should really check out our posts on “Important tips when buying an Engagement Ring” and “Top 8 Customised Wedding Ring Makers in Singapore“. There are several points to note, including the dos and don’ts, so as to get you prepared for the big day.

I managed to get a ring from a private ring jeweller. However, the ring box was too general and quite bulky. So, I decided to make my own ring box to make it unique and special. (I know it’s ugly! It’s the thought that actually counts!)

Here comes the big day! Since the beginning of the trip, her strong “sixth sense” has already cautioned her that something is fishy and speculated that this holiday trip is going to be a marriage proposal trip. However, I managed to pull it off and gave her the biggest surprise of her lifetime!

If you guys are wondering how is my wedding proposal, you can check out this video (which was done by me and was played during my actual day wedding ceremony).

Kudos to Hands-on Street Art for all the help in planning for the perfect wedding proposal! He is one of the locals in Melbourne and we met through Airbnb Experience. He has helped us in looking for a wall mural artist to do the wall mural art and a videographer to help us take all the beautiful moments. If you guys are still cracking your brains to find an proposal idea, you should check out this post (8 Unique Wedding Proposal ideas to make her say “YES”)

And so, our love journey begins and Kaepsel is hence founded. Deep down, we know that wedding proposal is a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience. We wanted to create fond memories for couples by crafting unique and beautiful wedding ring boxes not just for wedding proposal, but also for wedding solemnisation! From an unique opening design ring box to the world’s smallest ring box, there are lots of designs for you to choose from. Check out our store for all the products!

amirul nur anith worcester ring

In Kaepsel, not only we provide the best ideal engagement / wedding proposal ring boxes, we also provide service excellence for our customers, as well as our clienteles. Shop now at Kaepsel, your one-stop shopping place for all your wedding needs!

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